We are a Church steeped in Scripture. Every service has a rich array of biblical readings taken from the Common Lectionary. The Common Lectionary is used around the world by many denominations with whom we share our Christian faith. The Lectionary readings follow a cycle of liturgical seasons that enhance our worship as we move from Advent to Christmas, through Epiphany, into Lent and Holy Week, to the glorious resurrection and Easter, then to Pentecost, and finally to Ordinary time; after which we begin the cycle anew. When followed each Sunday the Lectionary readings will take the listener through the Bible on a three-year cycle. The readings change with each year of the three-year cycle. Versicles and responsories from the scriptures are woven throughout the worship service, which encourage the active participation of both the clergy and the laity (people). Our entire liturgical language is based on the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
We believe the Bible is a holy text inspired by God and holds all things necessary for salvation. the Creedal statements of both the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed are foundational to our belief system. The central focus of our worship and community is the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who through his death and resurrection has united each of us to himself, and all of us collectively as the beloved community. We are one body in Christ, and we seek to live in one accord. As such, we share the Lord's table with all Baptized persons who would like to take communion with us.
As members of the beloved community, we strive to be welcoming to the strangers among us. We take seriously Christ's command to feed the hungry and clothe the poor. We respect the dignity of every human being; and seek to walk humbly before God. These principles guide the decision making here at Good Shepherd, in our individual lives and our corporate life, together. If you are looking for home Church, a place you can worship and grow into the full stature of Christ; we hope you will visit here, and find a welcoming and loving community.