Good Shepherd Episcopal Church is the oldest Episcopal Church in Lake Charles; the original Church established in 1885. The first building was erected on Pujo Street and Kirby Street, in1886 for $1,400.00. In July of 1894 the "Ladies Guild" raised $1,500 to buy four lots on Kirkman Street where the Church presently stands. February 28,1897 Reverend Spearing had the new building and Altar consecrated. Good Shepherd has had an active ministry in the Lake Charles community since 1885.
The ministry of Good Shepherd has continued to thrive even in the wake of several disasters. In 1918 the Church was destroyed by a hurricane and rebuilt on the same site. Since the outer structure was made of sandstone; those stones remain in place and continue to be the outer shell of our sanctuary. The roof structure and most of the interior had to be rebuilt. This event began a long and loving relationship with the Jewish community of Lake Charles; who opened their doors to our congregation, so that we could continue worshipping during the rebuilding process.
A day school was added in the 1950's and today is a K-12 school with campuses in both north and south Lake Charles. Good Shepherd is proud of the educational system that has been forged at Bishop Noland Day School; and remains an active part of the school's development.
In recent years Good Shepherd has weathered multiple hurricanes and sustained extensive damage during Laura and Delta. That damage is being repaired at the present time; although we are able to use our facility. Our Jewish friends at Temple Sinai experienced extensive damage; and almost 100 years later we were able to return a favor by offering them space to continue their community worship.
Like all communities we also endured the Covid-19 epidemic while dealing with a community torn apart by two powerful hurricanes and an ice storm. This enabled us to use creativity and innovation. We shared parking lot services; we developed our on-line presence through nightly Compline services and live streaming of our main service at 10:30 am Sunday mornings. In the midst of all of that, we were looking for a new Rector. And in June 2023; we installed the Reverend Dr. Mitzi George as our 22nd rector here at Good Shepherd.
Address: 715 Kirkman St. Lake Charles, LA 70601
Phone: 337-433-5244