Our Brown Bag Program originally began in the late 1980"s; when several parishioners decided Good Shepherd could help meet the needs of those within the Lake Charles community who were less fortunate. These parishioners were zealous to feed the hungry and care for those who needed assistance. This program flourished for many years; and it has transformed how we as members of Good Shepherd think about our role in the beloved community.
The first Brown Bag Program ended for a multitude of reasons; but it was always missed, and there has always been a desire to resurrect it. In 2022, after struggling to rebuild from hurricane Laura and the Covid pandemic; we decided that God was creating an opportunity for Good Shepherd to indeed resurrect the Brown Bag Program. We discovered our neighborhood had become a food desert to many who lived in the area, but without personal transportation. After meeting with city officials and others to advocate for change; we realized that many of our parishioners were anxious to begin this ministry anew. We knew that we could be the change that was needed in this part of the beloved community.
We have since opened our doors on the 3rd Tuesday of each month beginning at 9:30 a.m. We have developed a grocery list that enables us to provide nutritious foods for singles and families; that can be prepared at their own residence. Many of our clientele live at Chateau du Lac apartment complex in downtown Lake Charles; which is just a few blocks from the Church. We have partnered with various other groups including Greater St. Mary Baptist Church, the Episcopal Diocese of Western Louisiana, and private doners who graciously provide food supplies and financial support to this ministry. In addition to the seventeen parishioners who staff the Brown Bag Program; there are several members of the Chateau du Lac community who assist us in preparing the grocery bags and in distributing them on that 3rd Tuesday of each month.
When Jesus saw the crowd gathered in the wilderness, he had compassion for them. When the disciples urged him to send them away so they might find food for themselves; Jesus said, "You give them something to eat." That is our simple motto. If you would like to donate toward this ministry or volunteer you may contact the Church office, email us, our click the donation/giving button on this website. Your generosity of time, talent, and treasure are always appreciated.
Address: 715 Kirkman St. Lake Charles, LA 70601
Email: church@goodshepherd-lc.com
Phone: 337-433-5244